Calculation of the fare revenues (revenue calculation)
With Visum revenues can be calculated and then distributed to the network objects. There are three methods available for revenue calculation.
- Specification of a fixed revenue for each passenger trip
For each passenger trip, a standard fare is assumed and distributed to the lines used by the passenger. The revenue distribution can also be modified by specific parameter settings (fixed amount per path leg, weighting by number of fare points, weighting by number of path legs).
- Specification of a revenue for each fare point
The revenue results from the following calculation: revenue/fare point multiplied by the number of fare points. The revenue distribution can also be modified by specific parameter settings (fixed amount per path leg, weighting by number of fare points, weighting by number of path legs).
- Calculation of the revenues using the fare model
For each passenger trip, the fare is calculated from the current ticket type. This revenue is then distributed over the lines used by the passenger. The revenue distribution can also be modified by specific parameter settings (fixed amount per path leg, weighting by number of fare points, weighting by number of path legs, and transport system-specific distribution of supplements).
The decision for one of these three possibilities depends on the model's desired level of detail, the availability of input data and the planned work load for modeling the revenue calculation. The three possibilities of revenue calculation in Visum are described below. For each possibility, an example calculation is carried out using the application example data.
Independent of the selected type of revenue calculation, the following output attributes (revenue indicators) are available.
Indicator |
Description |
Total revenue |
Total revenue from fare revenues which apply to the network object. |
Rev_DSeg |
Revenue by demand segment from fare revenues which apply to the network object. |
Revenue total (length-proportional) |
Total revenue from fare gains which applies to the territory and the selected level. Distribution is proportional to the link lengths of the traversed links. |
Revenue-DSeg (length-proportional) |
Like revenue total (length-proportional), but only the revenue by demand segment. |
Revenue total (fare point-proportional) |
Total revenue from fare gains which applies to the territory and the selected level. Distribution is proportional to the number of traversed fare points on links and time profile items. |
Revenue-DSeg (fare point-proportional) |
Like revenue total (fare point-proportional), but only the revenue by demand segment. |
Revenue PTripUnlinked |
Revenue per passenger trip = Revenue total / PTripsUnlinked |
Revenue PTripsUnlinked_Dseg |
Revenue per demand segment / passenger trips unlinked per demand segment |
Cost coverage % |
Expresses the cost coverage in percent Cost coverage % = Revenue total (length proportional) / Costs • 100 |
CostCov total |
Expresses the cost coverage in absolute numbers Cost coverage total = Revenue total (length proportional) - Costs |
Cost coverage per PTripUnlinked |
Cost coverage per passenger trip = Cost coverage total / passenger trips unlinked |
Table 265: Revenue indicators